Simulation Technology (Sim-Tech) offers an immense library of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) as digital twin vehicles to train with. Whether you are looking for Class A, Class B, or any variety of CMV training, we have the digital twin worlds and vehicles to train on without consequences.

Class A CDL

Class B CDL

Snow Plow

Waste Vehicles

Class A CDL

Class A CDL Drivers in training not only love the digital twin feel of the air-brakes, transmission, steering, load weight and vehicle dynamics, but they learn from it at the same time. Reduce the wear and tear on equipment with our Driving Simulators and repair components at the click of a button

Class B CDL

Driver training for Class B CDL Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Drivers, we offer end-to-end solutions. From acquiring a CDL Permit, to Training and testing, the Class B CDL Driving Simulators will meet and exceed all training and certification needs. 

Snow Plow

Snow Plow Operators use Simulation Technology Driving Simulators to train in an environment without consequences. This includes all extreme weather conditions, and everyday hazards in all environments. 

Waste Vehicles

Waste Vehicle Operators look no further for training in confined areas and on-the-job (OJT) training exercises.